Monday, April 30, 2012


One of my coworkers is retiring. Today we were talking and she says this to me...

"With me leaving, the person I'm most worried about is you."

I didn't know what to think about that statement...I could be really offended...but mostly I was confused. I said, "Why are you worried about me?" She told me that she feels like I am getting burned out. She has noticed a change in my attitude, my energy, and my enthusiasm. She seemed genuinely concerned for my well being.

Most of my friends know that the last couple of years have been stressful for me as a teacher. I am finishing my 15th year of teaching and each year the job responsibilities keep adding up, but the amount of time to complete those responsibilities is being decreased. For 3 years I have had no planning time during the school day. I was told that planning time during the day is not a guarantee and I could plan before or after school. None of this comes from my school's administration....they are AMAZING and supportive. Every substitute that I have had this year has commented on my crazy schedule. Fortunately I have 30 minutes for lunch this year. Last year I only had 15 minutes. I basically do what needs to be done in order to provide each student with all of their service time...unfortunately it seems that this is burning me out. I have seriously considered other career opportunities, but I absolutely love my school, my coworkers, and my students. I am seeing things slowly improve...and I love the year-round schedule with the breaks that always seem to fall at just the right time!

I am hoping and praying that my attitude/lack of enthusiasm hasn't been noticed or felt by my students. In my heart I sincerely hope that my students know how much I love them. One little boy actually cried when he couldn't come to my class one day because I was in a meeting (I am sure there were others who cheered...LOL!) Last week as I was walking down the hall with my lunch in my hands, the grandmother of another student said, "Let me hold that. He needs a hug and he said you're the only one who gives real hugs." That melted my heart!!

As Teacher Appreciation Week approaches, please take the time to thank the teachers who have made an impact in your life or your child's life. I have a file of "Special Keepsakes" that includes letters from parents and students....when I am having "one of those days" I pull them out and I feel recharged!

Only a few more weeks until summer break.......

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend Reflections

More random brain is so cluttered and I can't focus on one topic to write about, so I will write about everything!

  • We weren't able to make it to Eli's baseball game Friday night because we had to pick up the car from the Tire Center at Costco. We decided to take the boys to see the new movie Pirates: Band of Misfits. The boys loved it and we thought it was pretty funny!
  • I am planning to have LASIK eye surgery in a few weeks. I am so excited!! I haven't been wearing my contacts because they were really bothering me with all of the pollen and spring allergies. I forgot to put in my contacts before going to the movie, so I had to wear the 3D glasses over my regular glasses. That was attractive!! At least the theater is dark!
  • Joseph was SO excited yesterday because there was a "How It's Made" marathon on TV! He is like his Daddy in so many ways! I love it!!
  • It's tick season and they are bad already!! Joseph has had 2 on him and I have had 1 on me! Yuck!! I have stocked up on the Avon Bug Guard because so many people asked me for it last year! Let me know if you need some or go to my website: .
  • Eli and Joseph had a great time supervising today while Daddy and Paw Paw pulled big logs into the field with the John Deere. Unfortunately, under the last log was a copperhead!!! In our backyard...yuck!! Those things freak me out!
  • I am writing on this blog at 11:30pm because I am procrastinating...I have 3 big meetings tomorrow and I should be finishing my paperwork!!

I hope you all have a fabulous week!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Things that made me smile today...

I really enjoyed my day...we didn't have anywhere that we had to be, so we weren't in a rush or hurried. Here are just a few of the things that made me smile today:

  • I was able to take a LONG nap today. Jarrod kept the boys, dogs, and telephone from interrupting me!
  • I watched Jarrod, Joseph, Eli, Grandma, and Paw Paw work in the yard while I cleaned the kitchen...I love having a window at my kitchen sink.
  • Jarrod brought me some beautiful flowers when he came home early on Thursday! I finally had time to arrange them in a pretty vase.
  • I went to Ross and took my time looking around....all by myself. :)
  • I found a Toy Story Lego set for a GREAT price at Ross!
  • At Harris Teeter I got Almond Milk for $1.69 (it was on sale, I had a coupon, and it doubled!) I am using lots of Almond Milk to make yummy nutrition shakes! I'll keep you all posted on my weight loss progress.
  • The boys saw a Travelocity commercial a few days ago and thought it was hilarious. They giggled and giggled! At Ross tonight they had a Travelocity Gnome I bought it and the boys went crazy when I got home! Joseph yelled, "You got us a Travelocity Norm!!"

I hope you all found lots of reasons to smile today!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Updates and Random Thoughts

I have so many things I want to write about on this blog, but I don't have the time to sit down and put a lot of thought into anything right here is just a list of updates/funny kid stuff/random thoughts!

After posting about the funny things my boys say I remembered a couple more:
  • Eli and I were watching Dancing With the Stars and KISS performed that night. Eli said, "Look, Mommy! Those guys are dressed like clowns!"
  • One night, Joseph asked if he could come snuggle in our bed. I told him no because I needed to talk to Daddy about some ideas for this summer. He replied, "You and Daddy sure do a lot of planning!" LOL

Jarrod recently said, "You have the best friends who always look out for you." I totally agree!! I hope I can be as good of a friend to them as they have been to me!
  • One awesome friend called and asked what the boys wanted for dinner when I had a stomach bug! She knew that I wouldn't feel like cooking, so she brought them dinner!
  • Another friend knew I was a little disappointed that Jarrod and I weren't able to spend our day alone like we had planned because Joseph got she told me that her family wants to invite the boys over so we could have some alone time.
  • Another friend told me that she wants the boys to come spend a weekend with her so I can go visit Jarrod by myself.
  • What I really love about my friends is that they step up and offer to help when they know I am too stubborn to ask for help. I don't know why I sometimes feel like asking for help is a sign of "weakness."  
Next week is going to be busy again...
Monday-Joseph's guitar lessons
Tuesday-Eli's baseball practice
Thursday-Joseph's soccer practice
Friday-pass out from exhaustion LOL

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Things :)

My boys are hilarious sometimes! I just wanted to share a few of the funny things that they have recently said...

Eli is 4 and Joseph is 7.

One night while Eli was snuggling with me he said, "Mommy, you really need to get a haircut, because your legs are too scratchy."

On Good Friday, Joseph explained that he didn't have a soccer game on Saturday because "it is Good Saturday."

In a restaurant in Maryland, Eli loudly announced, "Mommy, I know what that yucky smell is. It is your feet." (By the way, it was NOT my feet that smelled....REALLY!!)

I heard Joseph talking to his friend..."My mommy's not a real teacher. She doesn't take her kids to recess and stuff like that."

Eli got mad at me in Walmart and yelled, "You're the meanest Mommy I ever had!"

Joseph wants to participate in Lemonade Day (check out and he was filling out a planning sheet. One question asked how much money he hopes to make at his lemonade stand. He wrote $7,000. I told him that's not reasonable and he said, "Mommy, that's just my goal."

Eli told one of the little girls in his class that he's going to marry her. When we were talking about it, he said, "Well, since I can't marry you I guess I'll have to marry somebody else." (He used to say he was going to marry me!)

I love these boys SO MUCH...they are funny, creative, imaginative, and loving!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Some of you already knew that I entered Joseph and Eli into the lottery for Voyager Academy (a local charter school) just to see what would happen....much to my surprise they were both accepted. I really didn't think they would have a chance at getting in...I had told myself that if by some chance they were accepted we would decline the spots. Well, once I saw the emails saying they were both accepted I began questioning everything and became surprisingly emotional. Jarrod told me that he would support whatever decision I made since he is in Maryland and can't help with daily school issues (transportation, packing lunches, conferences, projects, homework, etc.)  Here are some of the questions people asked me...and some questions I asked myself...

Why would you enter them into the lottery if you didn't want the spots? Isn't that unfair to those parents who REALLY wanted those spots?
I started feeling really guilty about entering them into the lottery, especially after reading several Facebook posts from other parents who were upset that their children didn't get in. I simply wanted to keep all options open. Once they were accepted I spent MANY nights questioning everything! I thought it would be an easy choice, but it was far from easy!

Why would you consider sending them to Voyager when Easley is such a great school?
This was the most emotional part of my decision...I love Easley...I love my coworkers...Joseph has had a great experience there...Eli is so excited about being at the "big school" with Mommy and Joseph in July. Of course there are challenges with having your children at the same school where you teach, but there would be challenges no matter what choice I made. The main reason I was considering Voyager is because there are concerns about our high school option (test scores, crime, etc.)

Are you crazy? How could you turn down this opportunity?
Ultimately I decided to leave my boys at Easley and I am at peace with my decision. A lot can change within Durham Public Schools by the time Joseph and Eli are ready for high school. Sure, I've heard Voyager is a good school, but I've also talked to people who weren't happy there. Every school will have its challenges. Am I setting up my children to fail academically by staying in Durham Public Schools? I don't believe so. I have faith that God is in control of every detail of their schooling. He has made it clear to me that Easley is the place my children should be at this point. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't consider other options in the future.

I have a lot of friends who have children at Voyager and I do not want them to think that I am criticizing their choice. Each family has to decide what is best for them! That's what Jarrod and I have done for our family.