Just wanted to quickly post a few funny quotes from my boys before I forget them...
Eli saw me stepping on the digital scale. He came in an stepped on it, too. He said, "Mommy, you're the winner! That's a lot of points!!" Thanks, kid.
Joseph has been asking to have a yard sale for a LONG time, so we had a small one on Saturday. On Friday night he was helping me make signs. He wasn't taking his time coloring in the letters....I told him to slow down and stay in the lines. He said, "But Mommy, we want it to look like a kid colored it so more people will come to the yard sale."
I couldn't believe the number of people who told me what a good salesperson Joseph is....he actually talked several people into buying things that they weren't even looking at.
Eli also got excited and started bringing some of his toys outside to sell. After selling one of his toys the customer handed him the money. I told him to go put it in the money box and he said, "No, Mommy these are MY bucks."
That's all I can think of for now...I'm sure I'll remember more things later! These boys definitely keep me entertained!
This blog documents our life with three wonderful kids! Some posts are fun and others are more serious.