The normal blood sodium range is 135-145. When Mama got to the hospital her level was 108. The doctor said at that level she was at risk of a stroke or coma. A week later, we still had no idea why her sodium level was so low. Then a scan of her chest showed areas of concern in her lungs. The doctors suspected cancer...I had no idea that low blood sodium could be caused by lung cancer, but I've learned a lot about it now.
On June 25th, my sister and I, along with our husbands and several of Mama's friends, met with one of the doctors. On my notepad I wrote.....
- small cell lung cancer
- spread through chest
- inoperable
- no cure for this type of cancer
- chemotherapy is an option/maybe radiation (to keep cancer from spreading)
- at least stage 2
- SIADH- causing low sodium levels - can go away with treatment of the cancer
- NCI - National Cancer Institute
I've tried to limit my time with Dr. Google, but I admit I have done a lot of searches on "Small Cell Lung Cancer." What I've read isn't good.
Through all of this, I am so thankful for my church, friends, family, and coworkers for loving and supporting my family. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers!
Much love to you all!