Saturday, October 14, 2017


I am continuing to write about each year of our marriage. I slacked off for a while, but I'm ready to get started again. Here is our story for 1996.

In 1996, Jarrod decided to take a job back in Durham working for Globe Communications. He would live at his mom’s during the week and come home to me in Wilmington on the weekends. When he brought up the idea to me I was furious. How could he just leave me like that? I felt like I was being abandoned. We actually argued about it a lot and I spent several therapy sessions discussing my feelings with my counselor. She encouraged me to use the time alone to focus on things I enjoy and spend time with friends.

I decided to apply to be an orientation leader for students new to UNCW. The application and interview process was intense and I was thrilled when I found out I was chosen for this special opportunity.  I was required to live on campus with other orientation leaders for a month. My lodging and food were provided and I would be paid.  Since Jarrod was working in Durham, this would keep me busy. I had to find something to do with Georgie for a month while I was away from the apartment. Nanny was happy to watch her for us and Georgie was spoiled rotten for a month!

During this time I was also serving as President of my sorority, Sigma Sigma Sigma. Unfortunately, I was easily swayed by others and made some decisions that I regret. I take full responsibility for those decisions, because ultimately I was the one in charge. I learned a lot and decided that being in charge is not one of my strengths. I would never want to be in administration. After my term as president was over, I became the Rush Coordinator (the name was later changed to Recruitment instead of Rush). I loved that position! I planned events, delegated responsibilities, and had lots of fun motivating my sorority sisters during a typically stressful time.

In July, Hurricane Bertha hit the North Carolina coast. I was taking summer classes at the time and we missed a few days. In September, Hurricane Fran hit our area and brought a lot of devastation to North Carolina. I decided to go stay with Nanny in Stem, but Jarrod decided to stay with our friend Tony who lived close to Carolina Beach. He admitted that he was extremely scared when Fran hit. He said the winds were so loud that it sounded like the house was going to blow away. I thought I would be safe staying with Nanny; however, Fran actually moved inland and seemed to follow I-40. Nanny lived in a double wide trailer and we could hear trees falling all around us.. Nanny was without power for almost 2 weeks. I missed quite a bit of school because UNCW was closed. I remember one of my professors lost his house and was living in a camper when we finally returned to classes.

Overall, 1996 was a busy year, but we learned a lot about ourselves during that time.