Monday, June 27, 2011

Things Joseph Recently Said...

  • My nostril hurts. (Most kids don't say "nostril" do they?)
  • Mommy, how did Eli and I get out of your tummy. I know you went to the hospital, but how did we come out? You don't have a slit in your tummy. (I told him we would talk about that later......)
  • While trying to explain the difference between boys and girls to Eli, Joseph said: Girls don't have a Pee Pee, they have a China. That's funny, because there's a girl at school from China. (Hmmm...another conversation I wasn't prepared for!)
  • I've never seen an arm bend like that! (Joseph said that after he saw his brother break his arm at Monkey Joe's.)
  • You're about to flip that thing over! (He was supervising the septic tank worker on his Bobcat. The worker explained that he's been using that machine for longer than Joseph has been alive.)
  • Wouldn't it be funny if my name was F#%k? (Yep, he actually used the "F Word!" I told him we do NOT use that word, it is a very bad word. I asked where he heard that word...he told me a friend said it. I asked, "Was it Adam or Brian?" His reply, "No, it was Colleen." *Names were changed to protect Joseph's friends!)
He definitely keeps me entertained! Never a dull moment around my house!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

No Regrets

A friend was recently giving me a hard time (you know who you are...) because I don't clean out my email accounts like I should.  Not only do I have clutter at home and work, but I also have "cyber clutter!" I was going through some VERY OLD emails and cleaning out my Hotmail account and came across an email I sent out in 2000. I thought I would post it here....I titled it "No Regrets."

Written September 26, 2000:

You never know what can happen...our lives can totally change in the blink of an eye. Last Thursday, I walked into my school. Another teacher told me that an emergency staff meeting had been called. I assumed it was about the weather (when the threat of severe weather occurs, the administrators like to review emergency procedures.) When I walked into the gym, everyone turned and looked at me. The room was SILENT. The principal started walking towards me and said, "Dana, there was an accident last night and Marie was killed."

I don't remember a whole lot after that. I dropped my bags, the principal grabbed me and took me out of the room. I collapsed in the hallway. Somehow she got me to her office. I remember screaming, "Oh my God! No!" Marie had been my assistant for the past year. We were great friends....she was not just a coworker, she was like family! She was 43 years old and had a 19 year old daughter. Her daughter lived at home with her. Marie owned a hair salon. She worked there every night. While driving home Wednesday night, someone was speeding, ran a stop sign and slammed into her car. She was killed instantly. Many lives were drastically changed in that instant...including mine.

The main purpose of this email is to remind you all that life is precious and unpredictable. My new philosophy is "no regrets!" If something were to happen to Jarrod today, I don't want to live the rest of my life thinking "if only we had taken that trip, if only we had started our family sooner, if only...." I want to make sure my friends and family know how much I love them. I need to stop being afraid to say "I love you." I never told Marie that I loved her...I hope by my actions she knew that. I love all of are my family and friends. Please, don't take anything for your lives with no regrets. Thank you for letting me share...I will need lots of support and encouragement...I know I can always count on my friends to be there for me.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

First Week of Summer Vacation

Teaching in a year-round school means "summer vacation" is really short, so I am trying to get a lot accomplished during my break. So far, this week.....

Monday- Joseph had a dentist appointment for a cleaning. He did a great job! After the appointment we went to the library to check out some books and CDs. I am trying to declutter and save money, so I didn't want to go buy anything. That evening the boys went to Vacation Bible School...ooops....I mean KidsWeek! Next year it will probably be called Junior Jamboree or Sensory Shockwave...we like to frequently rename events at our church, it keeps things interesting! :) I enjoyed my 2 hours of kid-free time by relaxing at Barnes and Noble...I didn't even buy anything!!

Tuesday- I had a meeting at school that lasted longer than I had anticipated. Poor Joseph went with me (with my principal's permission) and he repeatedly came to the door and tried to get my attention. Our assistant principal took pity on him and gave him a popsicle! That kept him quiet for a little while.

Wednesday- Joseph and I went to the pool with my mom. Eli was at preschool and I felt a little guilty about not taking him with us. I know Eli was having fun at school....and the boys would have probably argued the whole time (they have been really mean to each other lately!) Joseph also knows that he shouldn't brag about the things he gets to do when Eli is at school. Joseph will be at arts camp for the next 2 weeks, so this is his only week with mommy all to himself. Later, on the way to KidsWeek, we were rear-ended while sitting at a stoplight by a lady in a Lexus. Her car has a bad scratch/dent by the hitch of our Explorer! The cops arrived quickly and we were only a few minutes late to church.

Thursday- Joseph and I waited for the septic tank company to come out and give an estimate for some work that needs to be done. After they left we went to visit my Dad and then stopped by Bull City Running Company so I could get some new shoes. I had worn holes in my old pair of Brooks and needed a new pair for my half marathon training. We also had to stop by JC Penney because I had a $10 off a $10 purchase coupon! I couldn't pass up free stuff! After finding something to buy for $10 I saw another a $25 iTunes gift card for $20. I got that for Jarrod's Father's Day present (if you're reading this, act surprised!) I'm really trying to avoid bringing more clutter into our house....I need to stay away from yard sales or I might fall off the wagon!

It's now 1:22AM on Friday! I am hoping to get more cleaning/decluttering done while waiting for the septic company to finish today. If you've read all this and you're still awake, please accept my apology for boring you....I am sleep deprived and my brain won't shut down!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Top Ten Things I've Recently Learned - #1

And finally, I’ve learned that God’s plans are always better than anything I could ever imagine! I have wanted to go on another trip with my church ever since my trip to South Africa in 2003; however, I couldn’t afford to take time off work and a lot of trips are in the summer when I am in school (I teach at a year-round school.) I had decided that 2011 wouldn’t be a good year for another trip. One morning a few weeks ago I got an email asking if I knew anyone who would be interested in a trip to Kenya to support church planters and work with their children. The dates of the trip are during my fall intersession from school so I wouldn’t have to miss any work! After talking with Jarrod and praying about the trip, I’ve decided to go to Nairobi, Kenya in September! I will need to raise $2850 and ask that you please consider supporting me financially and prayerfully.  Checks can be written to The Summit Church with “Kenya 2011 – Dana Walker” on the memo line. Donations are tax deductible. Please pray for God to use me to bless the families I will be working with in Kenya! Your support is sincerely appreciated!

Checks can be mailed to
The Summit Church
2335-114 Presidential Dr.
Durham, NC 27703

Of course you could also come to one of our services on Saturday or Sunday and drop your donation in the "offering bucket!" Check out for more information on times and locations! :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

True Confessions

I recently became very upset with someone for always blaming other people for their mistakes...never taking responsibility for their own actions. I try not to blame other people or even my past for the mistakes I make. When things don't go my way, I try not to say, "It's because of my's because of this person..." As I was thinking about this, I started thinking about my own faults....I have no one to blame for these things but myself:

First - I have always struggled with jealousy. Even as an adult, I sometimes struggle to be excited for others when good things happen to them. Wow, that was hard to admit, but it is true.

Second - I am a pack-rat. Yep, it's true! I have a hard time throwing things away. Maybe it's because I'm lazy, maybe it's because I have an obsession with finding a good deal, maybe it's because I'm impulsive and buy things I don't really need, maybe it's because I'm unfocused and go from one project to another without ever finishing anything.

Third - I have a really bad temper...really, really bad! For the most part, I can keep it under control at work and around friends. My poor family is usually the target of my temper. In the past I had several episodes of violent outbursts (never with  my kids, I swore they would not experience anything like that!) When Jarrod and I were first married, I would be very destructive just to get a reaction out of him! I couldn't stand it when he would just walk away from an argument! I would throw things, break things...anything to get his attention! One day I might share my "sweet tea" story with you all! I've spent lots of time in prayer and in therapy, and by the Grace of God, Jarrod stuck with me. My anger now usually comes out in the form of yelling and lots of crying. I have to keep reminding myself to turn to God to help me when I feel like I'm losing control. I have to give up control of everything...and give it all to Him!

I think I will stop here for tonight, before I make you all afraid to come around me! :) I thank God for all of my friends and family who have stood by me through the good times and bad!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Top Ten Things I've Recently Learned - #2

I’ve learned that you should not do yard work wearing flip flops! Last September, Jarrod was bit by a venomous snake in our front yard…it was probably a copperhead, but since Jarrod didn’t save it after he killed it the doctors couldn’t be sure. (Didn’t he learn anything from all of those shows on Animal Planet?! You should always save the snake if you can.) Waiting until the next day to go to the doctor probably isn’t the best idea either! You should also make sure you are sitting down when you receive the bill for the anti-venom (I’ll just say that it costs more than some houses!)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Top Ten Things I've Recently Learned - #3

I’ve learned that the Kids EveryWear consignment sale is the best sale in the Triangle area! I’m not just saying that because I’m trying to get you to come buy all of my treasures at the next sale (anyone need a pack-n-play??) The ladies who run this sale are amazing! I’ve worked with them for the past 5 years and I can’t wait until the next sale! Check out their website:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Top Ten Things I've Recently Learned - #4

I’ve learned that I may have a *slight* obsession with bargain shopping…maybe…just a little. I know I don’t NEED 20 Halloween yard inflatables, but they were 90% off!! Could I really pass up $50 inflatables for only $5?! I can sell them at a yard sale or consignment sale and make a good profit! I won’t even tell you about the 3 pink pack-n-plays I recently bought…. (No, I’m not pregnant with triplets…so don’t start any rumors please!)