Teaching in a year-round school means "summer vacation" is really short, so I am trying to get a lot accomplished during my break. So far, this week.....
Monday- Joseph had a dentist appointment for a cleaning. He did a great job! After the appointment we went to the library to check out some books and CDs. I am trying to declutter and save money, so I didn't want to go buy anything. That evening the boys went to Vacation Bible School...ooops....I mean KidsWeek! Next year it will probably be called Junior Jamboree or Sensory Shockwave...we like to frequently rename events at our church, it keeps things interesting! :) I enjoyed my 2 hours of kid-free time by relaxing at Barnes and Noble...I didn't even buy anything!!
Tuesday- I had a meeting at school that lasted longer than I had anticipated. Poor Joseph went with me (with my principal's permission) and he repeatedly came to the door and tried to get my attention. Our assistant principal took pity on him and gave him a popsicle! That kept him quiet for a little while.
Wednesday- Joseph and I went to the pool with my mom. Eli was at preschool and I felt a little guilty about not taking him with us. I know Eli was having fun at school....and the boys would have probably argued the whole time (they have been really mean to each other lately!) Joseph also knows that he shouldn't brag about the things he gets to do when Eli is at school. Joseph will be at arts camp for the next 2 weeks, so this is his only week with mommy all to himself. Later, on the way to KidsWeek, we were rear-ended while sitting at a stoplight by a lady in a Lexus. Her car has a bad scratch/dent by the hitch of our Explorer! The cops arrived quickly and we were only a few minutes late to church.
Thursday- Joseph and I waited for the septic tank company to come out and give an estimate for some work that needs to be done. After they left we went to visit my Dad and then stopped by Bull City Running Company so I could get some new shoes. I had worn holes in my old pair of Brooks and needed a new pair for my half marathon training. We also had to stop by JC Penney because I had a $10 off a $10 purchase coupon! I couldn't pass up free stuff! After finding something to buy for $10 I saw another deal....buy a $25 iTunes gift card for $20. I got that for Jarrod's Father's Day present (if you're reading this, act surprised!) I'm really trying to avoid bringing more clutter into our house....I need to stay away from yard sales or I might fall off the wagon!
It's now 1:22AM on Friday! I am hoping to get more cleaning/decluttering done while waiting for the septic company to finish today. If you've read all this and you're still awake, please accept my apology for boring you....I am sleep deprived and my brain won't shut down!
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