Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Extreme Clutter

While browsing the Internet tonight I saw a video clip of MacKenzie Phillips talking about her clutter. She is on an episode of Extreme Clutter on Oprah's network. I've never heard of the show, but found an episode coming up and set the DVR to record it, just to see what it's about. From the few minutes of the clip that I watched, her house wasn't completely cluttered (nothing like an episode of Hoarders.) She felt that she needed to let go of items from her past as a drug abuser. One website explained that organization "expert" Peter Walsh helps people whose lives have been dramatically affected by overwhelming clutter. He guides families through the emotional journey of overcoming their attachment to material items by pinpointing the root of their problems and guiding them towards a clutter-free life.

I know that there are situations from my past that make it very difficult for me to let go of certain items. For me, the clutter is not simply caused by having too much stuff and not enough space....there are other reasons why it is EXTREMELY difficult for me to live "clutter-free." I am dealing with those issues and trying to stay focused on creating a home free of "material chaos" for my children and husband.

Today I cleaned out a nightstand drawer and cleared the top of that nightstand (sorry, I ran out of time to take pictures.) Some people may think it is silly to do these random projects...one shelf in the kitchen, one drawer in the bedroom...but for me it provides a small sense of accomplishment every day. If I try to tackle an entire room, I will get overwhelmed and quit....been there, done that! But one drawer, I know I can do that! Tomorrow's project might be more of a challenge....clean out from under my bed!!! There will also be NO pictures of that...that would be too embarrassing, even for me. :)

Thank you for all of the encouraging comments! I am definitely feeling motivated to continue documenting this journey!


  1. I have recently been taking weekends to go to my parents' and great aunt's homes. They are at various levels of clutter. It is so hard to get rid of some things; we have a memory for EVERYTHING. But I will admit that it feels good to see and clean attic or spare bedroom that someone can visit. But, man-oh-man, it is exhausting to sort through physically and emotionally. I am trying to reframe what an object and its memory stands for and other ways I can keep that feeling. Also, how "cherished" can an object be if it is in a drawer, under clothes or covered in dust?

    All that to say, GOOD LUCK with your project!

  2. Also, it helps to get someone more distanced from the memories of the objects to help. I tend to question more why I am keeping something when I have to explain why it means that. It is also cathartic. ALSO, take pictures, it helps release the "stuff."

  3. So, Deandra, you are volunteering to come help me next, right?! :) Just kidding!! I have been trying to take pictures of things...it is really helping. Thanks for the encouragement!!! I will need lots of it to keep going once school starts back.

  4. Just remember that embarrassing works two-ways: Dana embarrassed and Jarrod embarrassed, but NOT Joseph or Eli embarrassed. That's what setting down with (in future) "just friends" and showing baby pictures is for.

  5. Well, if you ever want the help, I know what it's like. You know where to find me!
