Saturday, February 18, 2012


On Monday, Jarrod and I talked about planning a Valentine's date for this weekend since we wouldn't be able to celebrate together on Valentine's Day.  I told him I would ask my friend to watch the boys on Saturday so we could go to lunch and a movie. Wednesday night he asked if everything was in order for our date....well I had forgotten to ask my friend, so I wrote "TEXT JENNIFER" on my To Do List for Thursday.

Thursday morning I pulled out my phone to send a text...and I already had a text from Jennifer. It said:

Hey girl! Could I get the boys around 12:00 on Saturday? Our class is having a party at Wheels for the kids and their families. I thought they would enjoy it if you don't already have plans.

Are you kidding me?! She ASKED to watch our boys on the exact day and time that we needed her.

That's not a coincidence....that was totally God planned!

The boys had a fabulous time at Wheels...they also went to Walmart with her and ran some other errands. She dropped them off at our house around 7:30. They are tired and I'm sure they will sleep GREAT tonight!

Jarrod and I enjoyed our date...we had lunch at Tripps and then saw The Vow at Northgate. I told Jarrod that if I woke up from a coma and Channing Tatum told me he was my husband, I wouldn't question it! LOL :) He kept trying to make me cover my eyes during certain parts of the movie!!

What a great many blessings to be thankful for...and I even get an extra day off from school on Monday! Long weekend!!! Thank you, Lord!!


  1. Great date, with a great person. Thanks, sweetie!

  2. so sweet! So happy you got that time together and love how God had taken care of the details!

  3. I guess we need to watch another Channing Tatum movie like Dear John, because that movie was NOT much of a tear-jerker. I think I cried more for the Titantic 3-D trailer, than the movie we went to see.

  4. I know I am late on this, but I have to totally agree, Dana. If Channing Tatum was there telling me he was my husband, I would totally pick up where we left off, lol. Although, to be fair, if I woke from a coma and MY husband told me he was my husband, I would totally pick up from where we left off too. :)
