Friday, June 29, 2012

Aren't you embarrassed?!

Someone recently asked me, "Aren't you embarrassed to post those before/after pictures of your house online?"

I've reflected on that question for a few days and my answer is...yes and no.

I am ashamed that my house got to that level of disorder and chaos. I am sure I will soon be posting lots of my reflections about things that I've learned along this journey; however....

I am not too embarrassed to post the before pictures, because I see it as no different than people posting before/after weight loss pictures. These pictures help me to see how far I have come and they hold me accountable...they remind me that I don't want to go back to that point of utter despair and humiliation.

I also hope that these pictures will help other people who may be in similar situations. It took me years to finally allow someone to come into my home and help me. I was too embarrassed to ask my close friends that I frequently spend time with. I finally asked a friend that I see twice a year at a local consignment sale to come help me. As I stood at the door of the first room we decluttered, I was basically paralyzed. I didn't know where to was too overwhelming. I had started working in that room before and quickly gave up....I needed someone like my friend, Geri, to come in and basically take over. I am now motivated to tackle more areas of my house on my own.

I challenge anyone who is feeling lost or overwhelmed with clutter to find a nonjudgemental friend to come and at least help you get started. I feel so much happier...and I don't have that tight feeling in my chest every morning when I wake up.

There is still A LOT of work to be done, but I am now motivated to continue making progress! Thank you all for your encouragement, prayers, and support! Now I need to get up from this computer and keep working....

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