Monday, June 27, 2011

Things Joseph Recently Said...

  • My nostril hurts. (Most kids don't say "nostril" do they?)
  • Mommy, how did Eli and I get out of your tummy. I know you went to the hospital, but how did we come out? You don't have a slit in your tummy. (I told him we would talk about that later......)
  • While trying to explain the difference between boys and girls to Eli, Joseph said: Girls don't have a Pee Pee, they have a China. That's funny, because there's a girl at school from China. (Hmmm...another conversation I wasn't prepared for!)
  • I've never seen an arm bend like that! (Joseph said that after he saw his brother break his arm at Monkey Joe's.)
  • You're about to flip that thing over! (He was supervising the septic tank worker on his Bobcat. The worker explained that he's been using that machine for longer than Joseph has been alive.)
  • Wouldn't it be funny if my name was F#%k? (Yep, he actually used the "F Word!" I told him we do NOT use that word, it is a very bad word. I asked where he heard that word...he told me a friend said it. I asked, "Was it Adam or Brian?" His reply, "No, it was Colleen." *Names were changed to protect Joseph's friends!)
He definitely keeps me entertained! Never a dull moment around my house!

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