Saturday, May 21, 2011

Who would name their blog "Parentally Impaired??"

I know what you're all probably asking yourselves...what in the world was Dana thinking when she came up with this blog name?? Well, I spent a few weeks trying to come up with a catchy title using "Walker" or rearranging the letters in our name...or something else equally as crazy. I was about to give up and give it a generic name like "The Walker Family Blog." I was thinking about the crazy day I just had with my boys and our fiasco trying to get professional pictures taken. The phrase "parentally impaired" popped in my head! I started using the phrase when a friend and I decided that there should be another category of eligibility for special education services: PI - Parentally Impaired. In many ways we are all "parentally impaired." I know for sure that I am!! Maybe I will share some of my stories on here...and change the names of those involved to protect their identities! This blog won't just be about all the ways parents mess up their kids. I will use it to post random thoughts and is all meant to be entertaining. I hope you enjoy it and come back. My first set of posts will be a list of "Top Ten Things I've Recently Learned." Some of you may receive this in the is my insane version of a Christmas letter that I never got around to sending.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you thank you thank you for finally starting your blog! It's about darn time. I am subscribing and hanging on every word, and I recommend other mommas do the same if they know what's good for 'em. Love you, friend! :)
