Wednesday, January 4, 2012

We Found Baby Jesus!

Yep, imagine our surprise...right there under our bed...sweet Baby Jesus!! He had been missing from the Little People Nativity...we also found one of the Wise Men!

I know I said I wouldn't take any pictures as I was cleaning out under my bed, but I changed my mind. :) I threw all of the trash directly into the trashcan and put everything else on my was really messy under there!

Joseph was VERY interested in the box of greeting cards/stationery that I kept under the bed. Isn't that where all of you keep those?! I decided to put all of the cards and notepaper in a smaller box to keep in a more accessible place. I put a few blankets and things we don't normally use in the long storage case to go back under the bed.

Here are some close up shots of the JUNK that was under there...

So glad I finally found those flip flops...especially now that it is WINTER! I save those Coke caps to enter the codes online for points...I have redeemed those points for some awesome things. I need to enter the codes at least once a week and then toss the caps...Jarrod hates finding those caps everywhere! :)

Another missing shoe! YAY! That dog bowl has been missing for a LONG time...I'm sure the dogs will be happy to finally eat again. LOL (Just need to call animal control!)

One sad observation that I made....that comforter is from my freshman year in college!!! 1993! My roommate/best friend, Cheryl, and I had matching comforters and sheets. I guess now that I have a picture of it I can get rid of it. :) Now I need to call Cheryl and see if she still has hers!

My next challenge was to clean off a shelf in my bedroom. I decided to clean off the top of my jewelry armoire (I think that's what it's called...that just sounds so fancy!) The top of it is supposed to lift hasn't lifted up in a LONG time.

While cleaning that off I found a check someone wrote for some Avon over a year ago...I am such a bad business person! :( Of course I won't try to cash the check...I will just use this as a lesson that living with clutter can also make you lose money!!

Here is my next project....not looking forward to this...



  1. More power to you on the junk drawer sis lol, I have several of those.


  2. Well, that was 5 minutes I am not getting back...Sorry, no thanks for continuing to work on the house. I will be by to take after, after shots to re-check the status. Let's see if this helps keep it clean.

  3. are crazy, but I love you anyway!!! :)

  4. that is SO GREAT dana! I am so impressed by your perseverance!!!!! i wish i had some of it over here. and you are are really kicking butt and taking names.
